Call James for your Computer Problems - at least that's what they say here in Dallas! |
Adware | Spyware | Virus | Trojans | Worms |
Noun: |
A software application in which advertisements are displayed while the program is running, esp. in pop-up windows or banners, and which often is installed without the users knowledge or consent; also called advertising-supported software. |
Noun: |
A form of Spyware that collects information about the computer users online behavior in order to display targeted advertisements in the Web browser. |
(Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of
English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)
The following are MY recommendations based on years of experience and what has worked best for me. I am sure that there are other great programs out there, but these are the ones that I use and would recommend. To many programs trying to do the same things will only give you headaches.
Rated the best of its class, and it's FREE! Download, install and do the updates. Then boot into Safe Mode and run it. If it finds something in memory you will have to reboot and let it try to remove it at boot up. If your operating system supports System Restore, (XP all flavors and ME) then disable it before running this program or any program similar to this one.
When you run it chose the option for a Full System Scan and when it is done you can select all of the check boxes by right clicking over the column and selecting Select All from the popup menu.
Then go to the next screens and delete all found infections. That's it!
Make sure that you check for updates at least once a week.
If you update it faithfully and run it once a week you should have good control over infections of Adware on your computer.
The Ad-Aware SE Plus Edition includes a few more tools that I like, such as real time cookie blocking, and I feel that it is worth the price of purchase.
Step by step instructions and screen shots are available on the Adobe download page.
Downside, it won't run on a schedule or by itself. You have to remember to run it manually.
Trend Micro Antivirus with Adware protection:
This product falls into several categories; Spyware, Antivirus, Spam, Adware, Security and others. Adware protection is on the Spyware tab and is included in the total package.
The Adware protection is optional and needs to be checked under the System button, Scan Settings - Spyware tab and check the box for Adware and all of the other boxes while you are there.
Step by step instructions and screen shots are available on the Adobe download page.
I use only one toolbar; Google's. It has a built in popup blocker, which is where you get most of the Adware from, and it has many features that I really like, such as AutoFill and in the new Beta you can keep your bookmarks. More on this toolbar under Favorite Tools.
Step by step instructions and screen shots are available on the Adobe download page.